Starting as an cover band in 2019 under the name The Grassblades, after taking back on the singer from the original band they quickly realised songwriting potential and changed name to: Resonance, thenMars Dust and then Imminent Oblivion which the drummer of the band Alex said "fit the style of the music more."
As lockdown progressed in the UK, the band spent many months at home: writing songs and developing the bands brand; with grunge and punk aesthetics inspired by bands like , to mirror the music the band wanted to produce. This was when the previously considered name of gained a deeper meaning, as now the band members truly were captive in their own homes making them captive adolescents.
The bands logo was designed to resonate that of similar bands. With the C and A of the bands initials together, it makes an eye to show how we in the present world are always under surveillance and scrutiny and how you can feel captive and tied back my this, manacles that the band often talks of trying to break free of like in songs Dead end streets and Social Construct.
Consisting of many different genres of inspiration from pop to punk, death metal to classical: the band stands on the foot of a new and emerging wave of alt rock popularised by bands such as and whist also being in a new genre of their own!